做阿里巴巴国际站平台的看过来,做为外货客服业务员一定要收藏的一些话术,让你在询盘谈单的过程中更为顺利,一起来看看这些常用的话术你都会了哪些哟。作为外贸人,在工作时常常会使用一些外贸术语和缩写。熟悉好各种外贸英语术语,有助于增加对外贸业务的熟悉度,能够准确快速地与对方进行沟通,还能让自己显得更加专业。本期小编帮大家汇总了一些外贸术语,一起来学习吧。 01三种常用价格术语 办理保险须明确险别,不同险别,保险人承担的责任范围不同,收取的保险费也不通。按CIF术语成交,一般在签订买卖合同时,在合同的保险条款中明确规定保险险别,保险金额等内容,这样,卖方就应按照合同的规定办理投保。但如果合同中未能就保险险别等问题作出具体规定,那就要根据有关惯例来处理。按Incoterms2000对CIF的解释,卖方只需投保最低的险别,但在买方要求时,并由买方承担费用的情况下,可加保战争,罢工,暴乱和民变险。在业务中有时买方提出的关于限制船舶国籍,船型,船龄,船级以及指定装载某班轮公司得船只等项要求,卖方有权拒绝接受。但卖方也可放弃这一权利,可根据具体情况给予通融。一旦在合同中做出明确规定,就必须严格照办。 02外贸人员如何明确了解fca交货地点多样化 fac是货交承运人,是指卖方只要将货物塞指定地点将其交付给买方承运人的手里,并办理出口清关手续,这样就完成了出货。fac术语适合于各种贸易运输方式,交易地点多样化、不单一,不用的运输方式交易的地点也是不同的,交易地点随交易方式的改变而改变。fac在交易未完成之前,所产生的费用都是由卖方提供的,在交易完成之后,所产生的费用则由买家负责,责任分配十分明确,能有效避免很多的纠纷问题出现。外贸人员应该掌握fac的这些规定,避免在外贸交易过程中产生不必要的经济纠纷和麻烦。其次,两者交货地点也不同,fob的交货地点单一,一般都在货物装运港进行买卖双方交货,而fac的交货地点根据情况的不同有很多,fac货交第一承运人后即完成了交货任务。fac给外贸企业带来了很多的好处,首先由于fac风险转移早,为外贸企业减少了很多不必要的损失。fac它实际就是fob的发展和提升,将fob的缺点和不足一点点的发展、补充起来,为外贸企业带来更多的选择和优势。 03外贸术语,FOB,CIF,C&F,CFR分别是什么意思,区别在哪? FOB,FREE ON BOARD FOB 价格,托运人在货物通过船舷前所承担的一切费用和风险。CIF,COST INSURANCE FREIGHT 加保险,所有货物到目的港的费用,保险由托运人承担。C&F,CFR COST AND FRIEGHT意思相同。FOB/CIF/CFR 的共同之处1. 所有三种价格条款均适用于海运和内河运输。FOB 与 CIF 价格条件的差异1. 价格条款后港口的性质不同。离岸价格后的港口是指卖方所在国家的海港或河港,而 CIF 后的港口是指买方所在国家的港口或河流港口。CIF 价格后的港口应指明港口所属国家,如香港、联合王国和巴西的维多利亚港。除了承担 FOB 空运费用外,到岸价卖方还必须按照买方的要求承担空运费用,并对货物进行空运保险。 04SO和BL的区别 S/O 是订舱确认号。凭借S/O来进行提箱,操作报关事宜, 所以提箱的时候, 报关的时候,都是按S/O来操作。报关单上的提单号码要与S/O 一致。而B/L 是船公司系统中的提单号码, 一般会显示在船东提单上。一套提单可能有1份以上的正本,常见有1-3份正本。因此买方应向卖方索要全套正本提单。发货人发货后,可通过银行将提单交给收货人,或者直接通过邮递,或者通过人转交收货人。收货人应注意提单上的通知方。提单所列货物到港后,船方会通知通知方,再由通知方通知收货人持提单去港口提货。交货人收钱的时间根据你们商定的结汇方式而定。如果是不可撤销即期信用证,提单以及其他议付单据交付银行后,银行审核无误就可以将货款议付给发货人。 05Eori number 究竟是什么,外贸人该如何申请呢? 接下来,我会带大家了解一下究竟什么是Eori number以及如何申请和查询。当初欧盟的成员国决定建立这个机制,主要是为了保护欧盟进出口的商业贸易。Eori number作为唯一的识别码,是永久有效的,不存在续时这一说,办理一次终生受益。德国的Eori账号是根据审核交易商的有效海关数量才能申请完成的,德国的国家前缀是“DE”以及海关编号的前七位数字。而对于欧盟境内的额公司,需要向公司总部所在地的当地海关申请Eori账号。最后对于欧盟境外的公司,需要向首次进行清关业务的欧盟成员国的海关进行申请。而德国Eori账号的申请流程也和法国的大同小异,账号申请成功的时间大约一到两周的时间。 06国际贸易术语(Incoterms) Trade Terms of International trade简称“Incoterms” 什么是国际贸易术语?《国际贸易术语》是国际商会为国际贸易业务往来制定的一套国际规则,判定买卖双方应承担的责任及费用。这篇文章会从以下两个方面,继续和你聊聊 “ 国际贸易术语 ” 的话题; 大纲 v 国际贸易术语有哪些?国际贸易术语有哪些?v Ex Works 即工厂交货 买家与卖家 费用及责任 ; 从运输上来讲 , 卖家承担费用 “ 无 ” 。买家 责任即卖家将货物交付以后全部的 责任 。v Free C arrier 即货交承运人 买家与卖家 费用及责任 ; 在这个条款当中,卖家交付货物一种是在自家工厂交付,一种是在其它场所,比如说 交付 买方承运人的仓库。费用、责任买方承担最大。最终交货后的风险和费用都由买方负责。 07老文章-提单系统知识汇总贴(一) 提单系统知识 一 一、提单的基本知识 1.提单的定义与关系人海运提单Marine Bill of Lading or Ocean. Bill of Lading,或简称为提单Bill of Lading, B/L,是国际结算中的一种最重要的单据。提单的主要关系人是签订运输合同的双方:托运人和承运人。如果提单发生转让,则会出现受让人、持有人等提单关系人。所以,提单一经承运人签发,即表明承运人已将货物装上船舶或已确认接管。对于合法取得提单的持有人,提单具有物权凭证的功能。正本提单一般签发一式两份或三份,这是为了防止提单流通过程中万一遗失时,可以应用另一份正本。副本提单承运人不签署,份数根据托运人和船方的实际需要而定。当前已经生效,在统一各国有关提单的法规方面起着重要作用或有关国际货物运输的国际公约有三个:海牙规则Hague. Lading,1924年8月25日由26个国家在布鲁塞尔签订,1931年6月2日生效。公约草案是1921年在海牙通过,因此定名为海牙规则。包括欧美许多国家在内的50多个国家都先后加入了这个公约。 08一文教你认清ROAS是什么 简单来说,ROAS存在的意义就是帮助外贸公司改善产品广告推广策略和财务回报,通过更低成本的广告投入产生更高的商品销量,进而提高外贸公司的财务收入。外贸人接触到ROAS时会很疑惑,ROAS与ROI的区别究竟是什么?其实,外贸人们只要知道ROI是除去外贸公司的运营成本、营业额等一切费用后在广告投入或其它渠道得到的纯利润就可以了;而ROAS则是外贸公司业务从广告中获得的平均收入。ROAS的计算公式是收入除以成本,ROI的计算公式是纯利润除以总投资金额。无论是ROAS还是ROI,它们的数值都离不开广告的支撑,做好广告推广是提高ROAS的关键,我们常说,天下没有卖不出去的商品,只是没有找对消费者和消费市场,精准化受众将会让广告效果大幅度提升。 接下来再谈谈询盘的回复规则: 1、回复及时(24小时内是黄金时间) 2、内容专业(清晰、简洁、完整) 3、格式规范(别忽略问候语,结束语等细节) 本文整列出了不同询盘回复客户的模板供大家参考,使用时按照实际情况进行修改。 客户主动询价、我方报价 Dear Mr./Ms XX, Thanks for your inquiry about XX products! Now we here kindly quote you our best XX price as following: Products name: Specification, weight and size: Packing: Payment: Delivery time: Shipment fee: Quantity: Validity: Others: Pls review the above price and let us know your confirmation in an early date. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. 产品的库存不多 Dear X, Thank you for your inquiry. Yes, we have this item in stock. How many do you want? Right now, we only have X lots of the X color left. Since they are very popular, the product has a high risk of selling out soon. Please place your order as soon as possible. Thank you! Best regards, (Your name) 客户所要产品断货 Dear X, We are sorry to inform you that this item is out of stock at the moment. We will contact the factory to see when they will be available again. Also, we would like to recommend to you some other items which are of the same style. We hope you like them as well. You can click on the following link to check them out. Please let me know for any further questions.Thanks. Best Regards, (Your name) 希望客户询问规格 Dear sir, Thanks for your inquiry of our XX(products) on Dec. 10th, and we are in XX filed for many years, so we are confident we can do it. But the specifications you given is still lack. Such as the diameter, meterial, quantity and so on. So pls can you send us the details? The drawing(cad) is ok. After we confirmed, we are happy to provide you with our good quality and competitive price. Look forward your soonest reply, Thanks and regards. 问客户对报价的意见 第一次询问 Dear Mr/Ms XX, Re XX products, We have quoted you FOB/CIF/ price by e-mail dd XXXX, 2007.. Have you received it? Please check it and let me know your comments about the price. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. 第二次询问 Dear Mr/Ms XX, Re the XX products, I have e-mail the FOB QINGAO price to you dd XX . And asked for your comments on XX. But still no reply . Have you received it? Please review it and let me know your comments. If any problems, please don't hesitate to contact us, We shall be pleased to be of service to you at all times. Thanks in advance for your quick reply! 第三次询问 Dear Ms/Ms XX, Re XX products, we have quoted you FOB/CIF/ price by e-mail after Canton Fair on Oct 24, 2016. But for a long time, you haven't replied us. So we sent two e-mail to you asking for your comments on Nov 9 and Nov 21, 2016. But still no reply. Now I 'd like to know whether you still interested in this item. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. 重新报价 Dear Mr./Ms.XX, Re XX products, we have quoted you FOB QINGAO price , But for a long time,you haven't reply us. So we sent two e-mail to you asking for your comments on Nov 13 and Nov 23, 2016. Now we here kindly requote you the adjusted price as follows: USDXX/pc Hope you can accept this price.If sample required, we will send to you for your approval. Thanks in advance for your quick reply! 询问对新价格的意见 Dear Mr./Ms.XX, Re XX products, in order to build our further business relationship. we have requote you new price on XX. Have you received it? If you check other suppliers, you will find this is our bottom price, hope you satisfied this time and accept it. 报价不回复 方式一 Dear X, Hope you still remember me,i sent you quotation for XX (products) on XX (date), well maybe you are very busy, and I understand. I review your websit very carefully, and have much interests to make a start for our cooperation,to provide the best special service. Could you give me some advice so that we can do better. 方式二 Dear sir, Did you receive our quotation on Apr 12th? No reply from you. I was waiting until all the colleagues left the office. May be you are very busy. So pls can you take some time to give me a reply? And kindly give me some advice on XX(products). Look forward your reply, Thanks and regards. 回应买家砍价 方式一 Dear x, Thank you for your interests in my item. I am sorry but we can’t offer you that low price you asked for. We feel that the price listed is reasonable and has been carefully calculated and leaves me limited profit already. However, we’d like to offer you some discounts on bulk purchases. If your order is more than X pieces, we will give you a discount of xx% off. Please let me know for any further questions. Thanks. Sincerely, (Your name) 方式二 Dear X, Sorry for my late reply, I discuss with our boss for a long time, but regarding the price, it is near our bottom line, you know the market is changing everyday, and it is hard to cut more on cost as we need the products with best quality. But we treasure our first cooperation, so we allow you a 2% discount, this is the best I can do for you. I hope that if you have the will to cooperate, pls don’t just focus on the price, the most important is the quality, I think. If you any comments, pls let me know. Thanks and regards (Your name) 提醒买家尽快付款 方式一 Dear X, We appreciated your purchase from us. However, we noticed you that haven’t made the payment yet. This is a friendly reminder to you to complete the payment transaction as soon as possible. Instant payments are very important; the earlier you pay, the sooner you will get the item. If you have any problems making the payment, or if you don’t want to go through with the order, please let us know. We can help you to resolve the payment problems or cancel the order. Thanks again! Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best Regards, (Your name) 方式二 Dear X, We appreciate your order from us. You have chosen one of the bestselling products in our store. It’s very popular for its good quality and competitive price. Right now, we only have X lots of the X colors left. We would like to inform you that this product has a high risk of selling out soon. We noticed that you hadn’t finished the payment process for the order. We’d like to offer you a 10% discount on your order, if you purchase now, to ensure that the product doesn’t sell out. We will ship your order within 24 hours once your payment is confirmed. If you need any help or have any questions, please let us know. Best Regards, (Your name) 以上就是今天分享的所有内容了,关注疯狂的美工官网,网站上每天分享不同电商精彩内容哟。 |